Sunday, December 15, 2013


What are Affirmations?
 and Why Do They Work?

Research shows that we think between 45,000 and 51,000 thoughts per day. Wow! That’s about 150 to 300 thoughts per minute. For most people, about 80% of those thoughts are negative.  And approximately 90% of the thoughts we are thinking today get carried over to the next day.

It has also been shown that we tend to think negative thoughts when we are not aware of our thoughts.

Affirmations are a way to have more control of our thinking and to experience more positive mental activity.  Affirmations are statements or declarations expressed in the present tense with positive language. They are generally short and simple phrases that can easily be written on a post it note and placed somewhere prominent like on a bathroom mirror or computer monitor.

Think about how wonderful it could be to start the day with a burst of positive thinking such as, “I rise above all limitations” or “I am healthy and filled with energy.” Both of these affirmations come from the message card set “Wisdom Cards” by Louise Hay.  Message card sets are prepackaged affirmation cards with beautiful artwork to accompany the text. They are available on a variety of topics, but as I mentioned earlier, affirmations can be created with your own personal and specific messages, written on Post-it notes or 3x5 index cards.

Written by Martha Salazar, Stepping Stones Books & Gifts manager.

Have you used affirmations?  Even if you don't think of them by that title, or consciously create them, most of us have relied on these positive thoughts at some time.  Perhaps you have a story you can share of how affirmations have worked for you.

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