Sunday, December 29, 2013

Album Review: Blessed Always


by Rickie Byers

Five ways to experience feeling Blessed Always:

I experience the feeling of being in a state of blessedness when I wake up each day to feel the breath and light of morning; a new day with blessings ahead.  My favorite way to have the feeling is to notice every bit of nature I see and wonder at the miracles of life all around me. I have found that I feel the presence of blessings in my life when I think of family or friends, knowing I am surrounded by love. As I allow myself to slow down enough to recognize the beauty of each moment, I know that I live in a constant shower of blessings. As I have grown into a way of understanding my world, I have opened to the knowledge that every situation has blessings to offer, and my definition of blessings expands. I need only pay attention.  This experience of being human is a continuous flow of blessings.

Review written by Laura Feahr, a bookstore volunteer.

The Blessed Always AGAPE CHANT ANTHOLOGY set is available from Stepping Stones Books & Gifts.

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