Monday, June 27, 2011

Book Review: Words That Heal Today, by Ernest Holmes, Forwarded by Dr. Michael Beckwith

Words That Heal Today, by Ernest Holmes, forwarded by Dr. Michael Beckwith, is a delightful, and powerful, immersion in the teachings of Jesus as paraphrased by Holmes, as seen through the lens of metaphysics and New Thought. I have owned this book for a couple of years and I have yet to read the entire book. This is because the teachings of Jesus are so powerful, and Holmes articulates them in such an accessible way that I have to put the book down and take it all in for awhile. The wisdom of Jesus, the Spiritual Master, offers very simple steps to follow, that as a person in the 21st century I feel like I can do this, I can practice what he is proposing; I can love, forgive, roll away the stone of the past, and the certainty and enthusiasm of Jesus’ words as presented by the confidence of Holmes will support me, and back me up. This book is a keeper for the long haul, and I keep it within my reach.

A sample: “In the exalted concept of the Illumined One no weary journeyings of the soul were necessary to gain the heavenly Kingdom, no pain other than that produced through ignorance, no series of incarnations dragging themselves out through endless eons of monotonous drabness. Jesus said: Open the door of your mind and the heavenly light will enter. Open it today! You could have opened it yesterday. You may defer the divine event until tomorrow. Someday somewhere, you will open the door and the floodlights of eternal life will flow through you.” (Pg. 20) Ahhh….men.

Sanna Rose, RScP.

If you have read Words That Heal Today, please leave us a comment or email your own review to  We'd love to hear from you.

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